Tips and Guides for Creative Careers

Hustle Culture: Kerja Terlalu Keras Menjadi Kontraproduktif

Hustle Culture: Working Too Hard Is Counterprod...

Karena .ID

Hustle culture is now becoming a trend among millennial workers. Instead of being continuously productive, this way of working could actually backfire on you. This article will explain why you...

Hustle Culture: Working Too Hard Is Counterprod...

Karena .ID

Hustle culture is now becoming a trend among millennial workers. Instead of being continuously productive, this way of working could actually backfire on you. This article will explain why you...

5 Brand Lokal yang Bisa Kamu Pakai untuk Menyemarakkan Hari Kemerdekaan

5 Local Brands You Can Use to Celebrate Indepen...

Karena .ID

There are various ways you can choose to celebrate Independence Day, one of which is by wearing local brands. The following are five recommendations for local brands, ranging from clothing,...

5 Local Brands You Can Use to Celebrate Indepen...

Karena .ID

There are various ways you can choose to celebrate Independence Day, one of which is by wearing local brands. The following are five recommendations for local brands, ranging from clothing,...

Mengenal Inclusive Design dan Tips Mengembangkannya

Get to know Inclusive Design and Tips for Devel...

Karena .ID

Inclusive design is about creating products that can be enjoyed by everyone from various backgrounds. Various examples of inclusive design are currently easy to find, both in public facilities and...

Get to know Inclusive Design and Tips for Devel...

Karena .ID

Inclusive design is about creating products that can be enjoyed by everyone from various backgrounds. Various examples of inclusive design are currently easy to find, both in public facilities and...

Rahasia Sukses Kampanye Anak Muda dan Dampaknya pada Dunia

The Secret to Successful Youth Campaigns and Th...

Karena .ID

There have been many stories of young people who have succeeded in bringing the world to a better place with campaigns. Here are the secrets to their successful campaign that...

The Secret to Successful Youth Campaigns and Th...

Karena .ID

There have been many stories of young people who have succeeded in bringing the world to a better place with campaigns. Here are the secrets to their successful campaign that...

Kenali 5 Jenis Tipografi dan Manfaatnya dalam Dunia Desain Grafis

Get to know the 5 Types of Typography and their...

Karena .ID

Appropriate typography is very necessary in arranging printing and promotions. You can apply several types of typography for various design purposes.

Get to know the 5 Types of Typography and their...

Karena .ID

Appropriate typography is very necessary in arranging printing and promotions. You can apply several types of typography for various design purposes.

Memahami Deadliner, “si Pencari Sensasi”

Understanding the Deadliner, “The Thrill Seeker”

Karena .ID

Some people choose to be deadliners because they say creativity appears at critical minutes. So, is this deadline habit a good thing or not? Read more in the following review.

Understanding the Deadliner, “The Thrill Seeker”

Karena .ID

Some people choose to be deadliners because they say creativity appears at critical minutes. So, is this deadline habit a good thing or not? Read more in the following review.