Unduh E-Book Gratis The Power of Me: Kenali dirimu. Ketahui yang kamu mau. Lakukan sekarang. Dilengkapi dengan panduan praktis dan latihan.

Know What You Want and Do What You Choose

Find out what really matters to you and build confidence to achieve your chosen goals. With 'Design Your Future', you will understand what you want and design a path that suits you.

Discover New Ways to Design Your Future with LEGO®

Ever wondered if LEGO® could help you design your future? The ‘Design Your Future’ workshop is designed to help you explore your potential, define your aspirations and find strategies that fit your life choices. With a creative approach using LEGO® as a tool for exploration, you will understand what you want and gain clarity in building the future you want.

  • Nuha, Student, National University Singapore

    "Playing with LEGO is quite a promising first step because it encourages one to relax and to be creative, tapping on a set of skills that are not commonly used"

  • Dianti Ratih Ramadhani, Account Director, Studio 1212

    "When thinking about future planning, I immediately imagine how we could actually build it, so it's not just an abstract idea."

Next Workshop

22 & 23 November 2024
Registration is now open!
Join and start your journey to design the future.

Think with Your Hands: Apa Itu LEGO® Serious Play®?

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® adalah metode fasilitasi interaktif yang membantu peserta berpikir dengan tangan. Dengan membangun model menggunakan LEGO®, peserta dapat menggali ide, menyampaikan pemahaman dengan lebih dalam, dan menyusun ide menjadi strategi.

Metode ini telah digunakan di berbagai industri, mulai dari perusahaan global hingga institusi pendidikan, untuk membantu individu atau tim menavigasi perubahan, menyelesaikan tantangan kompleks, dan menemukan solusi yang lebih kreatif.

Bermitra dengan Kami

Kami terbuka untuk kolaborasi dengan komunitas, sekolah, dan perusahaan yang ingin menghadirkan workshop inovatif menggunakan LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®.

Want to go deeper? Read our e-book to understand your aspirations and career options.

Graphic design

Rp. 159,000.00

Learn about the intersection of art and technology in graphic design, from history to current applications. The book explores basic principles such as balance, contrast, and typography, as well as emerging technologies such as AR, VR, and AI. This book examines the practical use of these principles in real projects, helping you understand the dynamic role of design in various industries.

Persuasive Writing

Rp. 159,000.00

This book explores the art of persuasive writing that influences and inspires. You'll learn how writing is more than just words; This is an important life-skill for critical thinking and effective communication. This book reveals the history of persuasive writing from classical to contemporary rhetoric, provides deep insight into reader psychology, and techniques for building compelling narratives.