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'Design Your Future' Workshop (Offline)

'Design Your Future' Workshop
Options for Every Stage of Your Journey
Design Your Future (Online)
Kenali Dirimu dan Temukan Makna Hidupmu
Ikuti sesi online interaktif yang membantu kamu menggali apa yang penting bagi dirimu dan membangun fondasi perencanaan hidup yang otentik.
Dilengkapi dengan kit LEGO® yang dikirim langsung ke rumahmu, sesi ini akan memaksimalkan pengalaman eksplorasi diri. -
Design Your Future (Offline)
Gerakkan Rencana Hidupmu dengan Aksi
Temukan pengalaman tatap muka yang mendalam dan interaktif dengan metode LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®.
Workshop ini dirancang untuk membantumu menyusun strategi dan mengambil tindakan nyata menuju tujuan hidup yang selaras dengan aspirasimu. -
Durasi: 1.5 Jam
Format: Sesi online interaktif, dipandu oleh fasilitator berpengalaman.
Durasi: 3 Jam
Format: Sesi tatap muka dengan pengalaman interaktif penuh menggunakan metode LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®.
What Will You Learn?
Self Understanding:
Find what motivates you and what is important to you.
Future Strategy:
Learn practical techniques for dealing with challenges creatively.
Authentic Choice:
Make sure your life choices are aligned with your values and aspirations.
Who is Suitable for This Workshop?
The 'Design Your Future' workshop is designed to:
1. Students, college students and fresh graduates who want to plan their careers with a clearer direction.
2. Young creatives looking for ways to turn their passion into a sustainable career.
3. Young professionals who want to refresh their life goals and renew their career direction.
Their Experience of Attending This Workshop
Naufal Ramadhan, Freelancer
"I love the creative thinking process, from building LEGO, connecting the model results to future goals, to self-evaluation."
Aryn Wijayanti, Marketing, Nike Inc.
“Thinking while building LEGO® brings new ideas. This workshop helps to develop thinking and by looking at other points of view, we find new answers.”