Apa Itu Crowdfunding dan Bagaimana Cara Memulainya?

What is Crowdfunding and How to Get Started?

Crowdfunding is now becoming a quite popular fundraising scheme in Indonesia. This model of fundraising is used to run various types of businesses, such as businesses, charity projects, creative businesses, and many more.

One example, in 2018, the independent music group, Fourtwnty, carried out crowdfunding to finance the making of their second album "Ego & Brain Function." They raised funds online from fans who paid a certain amount of money to pre-order the new album. From this scheme, Fourtwnty succeeded in collecting funds from 889 orders for the costs of producing the album.

Seeing this, Crowdfunding could be a solution to the limitations in continuing to work. So, are you now one of those who are starting to look at this fundraising model? Before that, it is important for you to know the meaning and tips for doing it.

What is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a way of raising funds from many people to finance a particular business. Crowdfunding as it is known today utilizes digital platforms, such as websites and social media, to reach more 'donors' or 'investors'.

In Indonesia, the crowdfunding method became known in 2012, marked by the establishment of the fundraising site Wujudkan.com. The Wujudkan.com site has been a forum for crowdfunding various great works, such as the feature film by Riri Riza and Mira Lesmana, "Atambua 39 Derajat Celsius".

Unfortunately, due to operational problems this site was closed in 2017. However, after the emergence of Wujudkan.com, other crowdfunding sites began to emerge and are still quite developed today, for example Kitabisa.com, Ayopeduli.id, and Gandengtangan.co.id.

Types of Crowdfunding

According to its objectives, currently there are several types of crowdfunding that are commonly known, including:

  • Securities-based Crowdfunding
  • This type is a method of collecting funds carried out by business owners using a joint venture scheme to start and develop their business. Investors as a source of funds receive a promise to be able to buy or obtain ownership through shares, bonds (proof of debt ownership), or sukuk (shared ownership certificate) when the business is running later.

  • Donation-based Crowdfunding
  • This type is a way of raising funds for charity activities. Reported by Bisnis (2022), the volume of non-investment-based crowdfunding transactions is quite promising as a source of funds for social activities or creative businesses. For example, since it was founded in 2013, Kitabisa.com – which is known as a donation platform – has succeeded in raising funds from the public of around IDR 835 billion.

  • Peer-to-peer Lending (P2P Lending)
  • This type allows someone to get a loan directly from another party without the intermediary of a bank or other financial institution. One company based on P2P Lending that is quite well known is Gandengtangan.co.id.

    How to Do Crowdfunding

    Broadly speaking, crowdfunding activities are divided into three, namely preparation, fundraising and fund management. So that the crowdfunding you do in the future can run smoothly and meet your goals, follow the following tips.

  • Do Research on Similar Projects
  • Some crowdfunding sites do not delete completed campaigns. It's a great opportunity to learn about projects that are similar to yours, both successful and unsuccessful.

    From a successful project, you can pay attention to the idea, funds needed, campaign methods, the team involved, and the time span prepared. After that, you can compare it with other similar projects that were not successful. Make an analysis that differentiates the two so you can choose the best way to run the project later.

  • Create a Clear Project Idea
  • Investors or donors will definitely be selective in choosing the projects they will fund. Therefore, make the project idea as clear and realistic as possible. Give reasons why the project must be carried out, who the targets are, and what the benefits are. Don't forget to prepare a mitigation plan for possible risks.

  • Determine the Amount of Funds Required
  • Next, it is important for you to set a target for the amount of funds needed. Determine a realistic amount of funds according to the type of project you will execute. Then, pay attention to the time span for fulfilling the fund target.

  • Choose the Right Platform for the Campaign
  • Choose the best platform by adjusting your needs and campaign goals. Also make sure that the platform has permission from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) so that you will avoid financial problems.

    After that, you can start building a campaign for your project. You can do this by compiling an interesting narrative accompanied by supporting images or videos that strengthen your ideas.

  • Create Good Relationships with Investors
  • After receiving funds from investors, show appreciation by saying thank you for their participation in your project. After that, provide an update on their use of funds. By establishing good relationships, investors have the opportunity to participate again in your next project.

    That's everything about crowdfunding which is currently a fundraising trend. To further strengthen your steps, you can also seek information from experienced parties. The key is to gather as much information as possible and filter which ones best suit your project.

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