Temukan Potensi Terbaikmu Melalui Metode Trial and Error

Find Your Best Potential Through the Trial and Error Method

That said, some people believe that starting something is the hardest thing. In creating work, for example, you may be faced with fear, worry, and so on. You doubt whether it will go smoothly and successfully; acceptable to the public; and a series of other questions that corner you. In fact, continuing to be trapped in self-doubt actually prevents you from realizing many things. So, to overcome this, you can increase your self-confidence by improving your abilities, one of which is through the trial and error method.

Trial and error is one of the favorite methods that can awaken your creative sides. Because in practice, this method will open up opportunities for anyone to find the best way to achieve something. It could be that it will be different from conventional methods that are commonly used.

In the early stages, the trial and error method will guide you to find the way of learning that best suits your character. Whatever the field, first try to adapt your study techniques to your personality. Whether you are a visual, audio, kinesthetic type, etc., it will also determine your next steps.

Try to apply all study methods and see which one is most effective for you. For example, if you tend to be an audio type, various podcasts or audiobooks can help you. Meanwhile, if you tend to be a visual type, reading books and various literature on themes that interest you is the best way to explore many sources of inspiration. Once you find your own learning style, your accumulated knowledge in a field slowly increases. You can also enjoy the process more because you don't have to follow common methods that don't actually 'work' for you.

The second step, this is the time for you to do lots of trials. This is like the story of painter Pablo Picasso discovering cubism after years of searching. Or also the story of Thomas Alva Edison who tried 1,000 times until he finally discovered the light bulb. You can also try various methods to find your masterpiece.

This is where your hopes may not always go smoothly. It could be that unexpected things or things you didn't expect will come your way so that your work is not immediately successful. But believe me, it is better to fail at the beginning than at the end. Because if you do the math, when you encounter failure at the start, it could be that you spend less time, energy and costs than what happens when your project is finished.

Even so, it still won't be easy for you when you face failure for the first time. But remember, behind failure there is opportunity. When your experiment doesn't work, that's the right time to analyze the process you've carried out so far. You can start by asking the following questions?

  • What can be learned from this failure?
  • Remember that successful people usually don't make excuses or blame others. They are responsible for what they experience. You can also start to see experiences objectively. Make a list of important things that happened. Next, try analyzing it step by step and look for each learning point.

  • What can be done differently?
  • How could you have handled it differently? Looking back, what steps would you have taken differently?

  • Is it necessary to acquire or improve some skills?
  • From the previous analysis, is the problem in your skills? If so, you can start making a self-development plan to gain skills and experience. You can make this happen through classes, courses, or studying with a mentor.

  • From whom can you learn?
  • Most people don't ask for help because they believe it is a sign of weakness rather than strength. In fact, this shows that you are ready to learn and change. Is there someone you can contact for advice? For example, a boss, colleague or friend who sees your journey in progress? Ask them for feedback and guidance.

  • What to do next?
  • Now make an action plan. Will you try something similar or something different? Review your true goals and objectives.

    From this explanation, in short, trial and error is learning that will continue to strengthen you. Because, when you make a mistake or fail while doing something, you give yourself an opportunity to analyze the failure. You can start planning improvements and try again.

    So, if you summarize it in a plot, here are tips for doing trial and error in your work.

  • Start Experimenting
  • You can start experimenting with various strategies. Rather than trying the same approach over and over again, try them one at a time and see which works best for you. Remember that there is no way to know which strategy will work without trying them all.

  • Evaluate your performance after each trial
  • After each try, ask yourself how it went and what points could be improved. Then make appropriate changes until you find something that works well.

  • Note down the method you like best
  • Don't forget to note down the method that suits you and keep refining it to create the best learning process according to your version.

    That's everything about the trial and error method that you can know. What needs to be underlined is that there are types of failure that are profitable. It is failure that teaches you along the way in your work. From the small failures you experience, you will continue to learn until bigger opportunities open up.

    So what, are you ready to start trial and error?

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