Tips and Guides for Creative Careers

Mengenal Beragam Jenis Investor Bersama Shinta W Dhanuwardoyo

Getting to Know Various Types of Investors with...

Karena .ID

As a pioneering tech entrepreneur who founded, one of the first digital agencies in Indonesia, Shinta shared her experience as an investor for start-up companies in the digital sector.

Getting to Know Various Types of Investors with...

Karena .ID

As a pioneering tech entrepreneur who founded, one of the first digital agencies in Indonesia, Shinta shared her experience as an investor for start-up companies in the digital sector.

5 Profesi Ajaib Ipang Wahid

5 Magical Professions of Ipang Wahid

Karena .ID

As the Indonesian KADIN Advisory Board in the field of tourism and creative industries, Ipang Wahid explained the various professions he has worked in as a bridge between creativity and...

5 Magical Professions of Ipang Wahid

Karena .ID

As the Indonesian KADIN Advisory Board in the field of tourism and creative industries, Ipang Wahid explained the various professions he has worked in as a bridge between creativity and...

Perpaduan Sains dan Seni Khas Danis Sie

Danis Sie's signature blend of science and art

Karena .ID

How Danis Sie, an artist in Surabaya, combines science with his skills in the field of art into a promising business line.

Danis Sie's signature blend of science and art

Karena .ID

How Danis Sie, an artist in Surabaya, combines science with his skills in the field of art into a promising business line.

Desainer Interior yang Berjiwa Nasionalis

Interior Designer with a Nationalist Spirit

Karena .ID

How Santi Alaysius, an interior designer who had worked in America, returned to Indonesia and built his own company in the architecture and interior design industry.

Interior Designer with a Nationalist Spirit

Karena .ID

How Santi Alaysius, an interior designer who had worked in America, returned to Indonesia and built his own company in the architecture and interior design industry.

Memandang Hidup dan Keberagaman Melalui Kaca Mata Agan Harahap

Looking at Life and Diversity Through the Eyes ...

Karena .ID

How can Agan Harahap, an artist in the field of visual photography manage his work commercially and survive in the country's business industry.

Looking at Life and Diversity Through the Eyes ...

Karena .ID

How can Agan Harahap, an artist in the field of visual photography manage his work commercially and survive in the country's business industry.

Kesuksesan Carrousel: Berangkat Dari Trauma Berhutang

Carrousel Success: Coming From the Trauma of Debt

Karena .ID

How Hidayat and Mira popularized the dropship system for the first time and managed their clothing business, CRSL Store, from online to offline.

Carrousel Success: Coming From the Trauma of Debt

Karena .ID

How Hidayat and Mira popularized the dropship system for the first time and managed their clothing business, CRSL Store, from online to offline.